Wisdom in Exile explores the space that exists for Buddhism in contemporary culture, a space created by the failure of our dominant systems of thought. With its emphasis on bringing together intelligence and contemplative experience, Buddhism offers an authentic way to liberation in these modern times. However, as Lama Jampa Thaye argues, it is crucial that the temptation to assimilate Buddhism to the ruling ideologies of our age be resisted. Thus Wisdom in Exile delineates the distinctive features of Buddhist thought and practice, as well as presenting the training in meditation and compassion that is the heart of the Buddhist path.
Spiegelungen der Leerheit
Das „Entstehen in Abhängigkeit“ ist der Schlüssel, um die Lehren des Buddha zu verstehen und unsere leidbringenden Emotionen in wahre Weisheit und in umfassendes Mitgefühl zu transformieren.